Monday, August 10, 2009

Lake Luzerne Camping

Camping is a great way to get away from a busy life or when you feel troubled. I really feel that one can connect with nature and recharge oneself when separated from mainstream society. Last weekend, I went camping with a great group of people, my family, and it was really well needed.

What I love about camping is that you get rid of all the noise that you are normally surrounded with. You don't focus as much on television or the computer--this must drive teenagers crazy--and you have to actually do worthwhile activities like talking, playing games, walking, swimming, or fishing. Actual activities!

Camping made me realize how much I focus most of my life on technology, or other simple things that weren't necessary for a camping trip. I even had to bring a lot of technology with me (music, electric toothbrush, camera, phone); is it possible to eliminate all of it? For me, I need to be slowly weaned down to that point.

I also realized simple things that are necessary to survive just for a small span of time, and I noticed what little things I take for granted. For instance, we need fire for warmth and food. Thus, we need enough wood to get us by for an amount of time. The nights were very cold, and we found ourselves inching closer to the fire for warmth. Imagine not having that when you really needed it. Food needs to be kept cool, with coolers, which needs ice. If you really needed food or water, you would have to hunt for it (which my brother did with a fish), so we didn't have to think too much that route in terms of eating. Walmart worked just fine.

Bathrooms. I take them for granted. Toilet paper, soap, feeling clean. Even walking a far ways, in the dark, to the bathrooms is different. I can see why people wouldn't want to go camping. You really have to step out of your comfort zone and give up luxuries. One luxury that people don't want to give up is a clean bathroom facility. Others don't want to give up a warm, comfortable bed. The hard ground with rocks and tree roots isn't too appealing. I had trouble sleeping because of that, but by the second night, I was fine. But some people don't want to change or give up what they have, even for a short amount of time.

Camping also made me think about what a human does need in one day. Toilet paper. Food. Water. Warmth. Bed. Adequate clothing. Bug repellant. Fire wood. Garbage bags--we produce so much waste! Waste in one day is unbelievable. I can't even imagine how much waste we produce in one day, let alone how much waste we've produced in hundreds of years. Where the hell does it all go?

But, camping is a good way to connect with people and actually have a conversation with someone without being distracted. You can really learn people's true natures, whether they will help assist with setting up, putting down, sharing food, etc. When you eliminate a lot of the "things" and focus on less, you are more able to think and connect with others. It's a really great experience, and Lake Luzerne's campground was phenomenal. We were right near the beach so we had easy access, it was quiet, it wasn't buggy, and it was clean. I was very impressed with their facilities.

Don't blow off camping. I know it's not for everyone, but it's worth it. I try to go at least once a year because it reminds me of what and who I take for granted and sort of pushes me back to reality when I get so lost in it, especially when I'm surrounded by so much technology.

Anyway, I have some pictures below of the trip.

What do you think of camping or Lake Luzurne?

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