Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lake Weekend

Last weekend, I invited my best friends from Cortland up to the lakehouse to hang out and relax. It was such an experience to see them and talk with them again; a nice break from the working world for sure.

I want to spruce up my blog with some more pictures of the weekend--a glorious getaway that I always look forward to every summer.

The lake on Saturday morning, calm.

Me with She.

Ang and Andy on the boat.

All of us in the lake, having a swim.

Ang and I, talking on the dock.


Sheila's crazy mouth.

Michael and I.

Rain won't stop us from hanging out outside.

Under our tarp at night.

Cool shot of Ang with the stairs.

Calm morning.

Ang and She.

All of us.

Awesome night shot of the lake.

Overall, relaxing, innovative, funny, and necessary. Feel free to comment on any picture or experience.