I travelled to some new places that were destitute and troubling to me in many ways. I feel horrible when I am the tourist and I am heckled by surrounding natives. They hound you in such a way that it troubles me how far they will go for a buck. I had people following me down the street as I shopped just in case I might buy a necklace or take a cab ride. Cultures can just be so different.
Isla Roatan, Honduras: A developing city for tourists. The natives were ready for toursits to come with buses lined up and ready to go. They had little huts ready with the same materials on each stand. The same people asked me the same questions as I passed, not realizing that I was the same person because I blend in with all the other tourists.
A little boy followed me down the street the entire time I shopped. He troubled me the most. He was such a sweet, nice little boy. As we walked, he pointed out items that shops sold and certain things about the surrounding landscape. He asked me questions about where I was from and what I did every day. I asked him about schooling, feeling strange about this little boy following me around on a Wednesday at noon. He told me he goes to school in the morning, evening, and night. (Evening and night?) He kindly told me that he couldn't go any farther and didn't ask for anything. But what was it that he wanted...?
Belize City, Belize: Similar situation but much more developed. The natives constantly heckled you as you walked by their store. They held things in the air for you to buy as you passed by. Many of them followed me down the street to ask me for their services--take me to a beach, a museum, to downtown for shopping. Many of them had openers where they tried to use sophisticated language and told me what college they were attending and what major they were studying. They were trying to show their education and intelligence to us, as if that uplifted them from the other salesmen and made their words more credible. I was very glad they were going to school, but I feel very uncomfortable when I am trying to be talked into something that I am not pursuing.
Below I will put some cool pictures from both places. We'll see what you think.
So what do you think of Belize and Honduras?